Ceyana Canoe Club
Come and join Tim and fellow members for a morning Father's Day Celebration. Bring along a brunch or snack and a hot drink. We gather, we socialize, we go for a paddle on Islet Lake to check out the bird life... of which there is usually plenty. Tim reports only two requirements: you like sweets, and you have a tolerance for Dad jokes! And we maybe Dads, we all had a Dad, we probably know a few Dads, we all have a Dad to celebrate!
We do cancel if it is ugly! Thunderstorms, big wind, etc. Best to register so our leader can send out last minute instructions by the time you leave from work!
Best if you are a club member, but guests are welcome for one or two of these sessions, then our insurance company insists you take out a membership, as do we!
for further info': Tim <t1swanson2@gmail.com>