Ceyana Canoe Club

Drop-in Paddling

Rundle Park Pond 


At the Rundle Park Paddling Centre, we have access to 20+ kayaks (rec whitewater, and rec lake water) over 20 canoes (tandem, and solo), Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs) and all the necessary paddles, PFDs, bailers and throwbags... and all just four steps from the long pond! We offer this drop-in paddling most Tuesday evenings through the season, once the ponds are filled each spring.

Rundle Park Paddling Sessions start in early June and run until mid-September. Volunteers are available to provide informal paddling tips. Members can start at 7:00 PM. Public is welcome to arrive about 7:15 for paddling. Beginning in mid August we start and finish earlier due to shortened day lengths.

The club DOES NOT paddle at RPPC on the Tuesdays after the Canada Day, August Civic Holiday and Labour Day weekends.  Our Rundle ponds are drained by the third week of September most years.

By the third session, public participants need to have a club membership. 

2025 Rundle Schedule will be updated soon....

For 2025 sessions will run during the following times:

Early June start of season onwards open 7:00 to 9:00pm

August 19 & 26 open 6:30 to 8:00pm

September 9 & 16 open 6:15 to 7:45pm

No paddling July 1, Aug 5, Sept 2 in 2025. 

IMPORTANT: All members/non-members must sign a waiver for the first visit of the season. There is NO LIFEGUARD on duty. Parents must supervise their children on the water. 

To volunteer at the Centre or if you have questions, ask our RPPC Coordinator. Contact info can be found here: Contact 

Voyageur Canoe Fitness Paddling

Our Big Canoe Fitness paddling starts late April most years. This program paddles out of our storage facility next to the EWP Boat house in Buena Vista Park, just north of the Rowing Club.  Participants will paddle voyageur boats on the North Saskatchewan River, you do not need to know a lot about paddling the big canoes to join, just come prepared to work hard, and learn to paddle our big/Voyageur canoes. 2024 Big / Voyageur Canoe Fitness Paddles with D. Tetz, which will enroll you for these Thursday evening sessions. We use a Google Sheet to confirm attendance. You must be a member of the club to register, but are welcome to drop in for a session to confirm your interest. NEW AS OF MAY 29, 2023: Monday evening sessions added. Registrants will be contacted for Monday paddle locations (not at Buena Vista).

Wednesday Evening and Sunday Local Paddles
at Buena Vista Park (map link) and other locations

In 2025 we are moving our local evening sessions to Wednesday evenings and adding day trips to Sundays.  These will be easy, recreational sessions.  We will paddle about once per month from Buena Vista/Laurier parks and other sessions will be on other reaches of the river and the many of ponds close (<45 min drive) to Edmonton.

For sessions paddling from BV club canoes and kayaks and related gear will be available for members to use.  Otherwise paddlers will be expected to supply all their own gear and boats. We will have a volunteer member or two to help coordinate folk, and make sure everyone gets back safely and on time. 

For 2025 we will organize these through our this website on the events section.

Each year our first session will try to start in May and we'll try to schedule these for most weeks through the paddling season depending on leadership availability (volunteers needed!), and river levels (<350 cms). 

Please come prepared for the expected weather, a possible swim, and fluids for refreshment... and best all in a dry bag.

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