Ceyana Canoe Club


Ceyana volunteers organize trips ranging from local, easy paddles, to extended trips and whitewater excursions. We encourage early contact with the trip coordinator to ensure that a trip will not be cancelled for lack of interest, or be over subscribed. Sometimes, club trips are organized just a few days before departure as opportunities and interest dictate. Check the tripping calendar often and watch your email for new trips. You must be a member to attend any overnight club trip, or a guest of a member for our day trips. 

How Skilled and Experienced a Paddler are You?
The club has received permission to use the Paddler Self Rating Guide from Mark's Guide for Alberta Paddlers Click on this link, have paper & pencil ready, and work through this guide to determine if you are a Novice, Intermediate or Skilled Paddler for lakes, rivers or whitewater.  This will help you choose appropriate trips to match your skills, and maybe encourage you to take in a paddling and/or rescue courses.
Organize a Trip of YOUR OWN!

Ceyana is always looking for more people to organize trips. If you have a trip in mind, work with the Trips Chair to have it added as an official club trip. You don't necessarily need to lead the on-water portion of the trip--the Tripping Chair can help you find someone to fill that role. Contact info can be found here: Contact

A note to non-members...

Registrants are advised to sign up for club membership well in advance if you interested in a course or trip and are not already a member. As an organization wholly run by volunteers we do not have a full time admin to immediately answer questions or handle website issues. Membership payments paid by credit card are usually confirmed much faster than e-transfers or cheques. Our membership term runs through the calendar year so signing up early ensures you receive all pre-season club updates and early notification of courses and trips.

All club trips must be approved by the club (usually by the Tripping Chair) and participants must be current members of the Ceyana Canoe Club to participate on any overnight trip. 

Course Change, Cancellation and Refund Policy - Please read the policy on this link before completing any program registration that involves a payment.

Questions about any trips? Contact tripping@ceyana.ca

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