Our Big Canoe Fitness sessions are focused on using the big boats to gain strength, power, and endurance. This is a paddling workout, you will learn many things about paddling the big canoes, but that is not the primary focus.
These sessions run every Thursday night depending on weather and water levels from our Buena Vista Storage Sheds, come early to help get the boats to the water, bring your own paddles, pfd's, water bottles, and any other paddling gear you may require. Paddlers will also be invited to join Darryl and our leaders for Monday evening sessions starting in May.
We expect these sessions to commence Thursday evenings, 6:45 - 9:00 pm from April 25, and will run until late August. Once registered Darryl will forward a google spreadsheet so that you can report on which session you will be attending.... full attendance is the default.Coach Darryl will update on Monday locations once you have registered.
The start date, and all subsequent sessions depend on appropriate river conditions <600 cms.
The club collects a $25/month fee this year to help with program costs (insurance fees are up), equipment maintenance and replacement (we have a new canoe for 2024). Club equipment is available for new paddlers for the first session or three, then participants are expected to provide their own life-jacket, and bent shaft paddle. If you've not paddled big canoes before it is best to get in a session or two before acquiring your own paddle. For each session a water bottle, rain gear, and dry clothes in a small dry bag are good to bring along.
You must be healthy to attend any sessions, please do a COVID/Flu/Cold self assessment before each paddling session. If you are not feeling well please do not come.
Registration will be available from March 16 to August 10.
Course Change, Cancellation and Refund Policy - Please read the policy on this link before completing any program registration that involves a payment. Given the extended nature of this program registration changes and cancellations are by email to Darryl.
Contact Darryl Tetz for more information: tetz.darryl@gmail.com