Ceyana Canoe Club
Notice of Ceyana Canoe Club AGM & Social Saturday Mar 18 2023 7:00 pm
You are invited to Ceyana’s AGM & Social at Lendrum Community Hall (11335 57 Avenue Edmonton) 7:00 -8:00 pm AGM Business & Election of Officers 8:00-9:00 Social & Presentation by Tim Marriott ‘The River Road: How the North Saskatchewan River turned a failure into success’
Bring a pot luck dessert to share. Beverages provided.
We have a fantastic dedicated Executive, but need to fill few positions. Please consider a board position, or nominate someone for one of the vacant positions of: Vice Pres, Trip Coordinator, Member At Large 1 (Rundle Park Paddling Centre Volunteer Coordinator) and, Member At Large 2 (Buena Vista Paddling Coordinator of Thurs Eve paddles). If interested check out the details: Executive Responsibilities If interested or to nominate someone, please contact your President Kathryn
Please register for this event... we would very much like to be able to confirm quorum in advance, and it assists with attendance records.